Sunday, May 8, 2011

I was hiking up on Jacob's ladder yesterday and saw this guy. And the rest of his family.

Well Summer is here.

Holy cow. My first year of college is over. It's been a crazy year and I can't believe it's gone by so fast. I'm writing this post from back north in Alpine, Utah and I must say it's weird to be living home with my family. Part of it is because I come home and find laundry done for me, meals made that I didn't cook, and sometimes a room cleaned up that I didn't clean. It's kinda eerie, but at the same time I am still extremely grateful for my family and all they do for me. (Just in case you guys had some doubts). Really I think the biggest reason why everything feels odd is because for so long I was planning on staying in Cedar. But this is the way it worked out.

Well now that school is over, and since I never managed to write more than a single blog post over the school year, I have resolved to try again and keep a blog for the first time. So right now I'm in the midst of job hunting, (so if you happen to know of anyone hiring or accepting applicants, the information would be very much appreciated. :) ) and looking forward to leaving on my mission in a few short months.

This summer however, when I'm not working I plan on spending every spare chance I can outside in the beautiful mountains that are around my hometown. I'm really excited to get out to American Fork Canyon and get some serious elevation this summer. I really can't/don't want to see two years without climbing but oh well. I guess I'll just have to make the best with the time I have this summer.

So yeah. That's the plan. And  if you're interested come on by every now and then to see how it's going.
